The diary of Thomas Frank Llewellyn Donovan

Like a friend, we had hoped to set up a blog when our son was born in May as a means of providing a regular update for friends and family. What we weren’t expecting was Thomas to arrive 12 weeks early on 28 February 2006. We are very lucky to have such amazing friends and family to help us through the next few weeks while Thomas is in hospital and hope you will enjoy reading these regular updates on his progress. Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts and wishes. Cass and Chris Donovan.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Nearly coming home

Last night, Thomas had his desaturations monitored over a 12 hour period to see if the new Reflux drugs were helping to reduce them. Overall, he still had around 400 desaturations but most of them were fleeting. However, there was one big one that needed some help from the nurses.

Therefore, they have decided that it is not quite safe enough for us to bring him home though the nurses think that by the middle of next week, the new drugs will definitely be working so we should see more improvement. They will carryout another test overnight on Tuesday to check and with any luck, he will be home by the end of the week - hurrah!!

We are spending the next two nights in hospital again but this time, Thomas will be in our bedroom so we are really looking forward to spending this time with him. His dad will be working during the day so he'll get a taste for what it's going to be like in the long run!!

Here's a picture of Daddy giving Thomas a bath.


At 12:18 pm, Blogger Coby said...

Hi Thomas

Hurry home so I can come and visit you and we can play with our teddies.

See you soon

Love Coby


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