A difficult 72 hours
As you know, Thomas has been having lots of Apneoas and Desaturations because he stops breathing. The doctors think that this is being caused by Reflux. This is a kind of acid indigestion that can end up in Thomas' throat because the muscle above the stomach isn't strong enough to keep the contents down. They want to be absolutely sure especially as some of the episodes happen hours after his last feed and have decided to carryout a PH study on his stomach on Monday. This involves putting a probe down into his stomach to monitor the acids and reflux over a 24 hour period. The only problem is they need to take Thomas off all the drugs which help the reflux 48 hours prior to the study.
The drugs were stopped last night and as we anticipated, Thomas has been very poorly today. He has had numerous Apneaos and Desaturations, many of which required the help of doctors and nurses to restart his breathing. We are obviously not looking forward to the next 72 hours of stress and worry but appreciate that it is needed just in case Reflux is not the only cause of Thomas' problems. Hopefully, it is just Reflux as we don't really want to have to deal with having to find another cause. One thing's for sure, Thomas is a little fighter so we can only hope that he will continue to fight despite having had to deal with so many difficulties already.
Our thoughts as always are with you. Will be keeping an eye on progress. All our love - Steve, Mitch & Oliviq xxx
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