The right direction?
What a roller coaster ride we've had this week!! Thomas has been pretty ill and NEC was diagnosed as one of the reasons, his head bleed could also be having an effect. Since the last posting, he has been very inactive and had lots of Oxygen desaturations which often lead him to turn completely blue. Wednesday saw him having a long line put in through his leg for his TPN (nutrition) - this is a long tube put in through a vein and fed up close to the heart so that it can pump the contents around his body more effectively. Thomas also had x-rays, an arterial line put into his other foot and that evening had to have an emergency change of breathing tube when he started having problems. So all in all it was a pretty busy day for him.
Yesterday morning, we heard that overnight he had started to have fits as well. His doctor also told us that he had emailed x-rays of his tummy to the surgeon in London. Things were not looking particularly good and it seemed like an eternity since we had received any good news.
Well some good news has finally arrived.
Thomas' CRP (measurement of the protein levels which are used to indicate infection) has now reduced from 140, on Wednesday, to 40. His X-rays have shown that the inflammation in his intestine has not got any worse and following a second Lumber Puncture, the pressure has reduced slightly which indicates that the brain could be draining itself. However, it's a little early to celebrate though but as the doctor put it, things are moving in the right direction so keep your fingers crossed!!

Today's picture sees Thomas being weighed. He now weighs 2lbs 14ozs and has put on a whole pound since he was born!!
Glad to hear the good guys are amazing!
Love from us all
Tepper Clan
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